~Romance with a sparkling twist~

The Keltic Multiverse: Double Keltic Triad 4

Falling in love is easy, the possibilities endless.
After months of searching, Bryce accepts he’ll never find the masked dancer who captured his heart. Time to get on with life. But when his darlin’ daughter climbs onto the lap of a captivating woman in a coffee shop and calls her Mommy, he certainly wouldn’t mind exploring the possibility.
After a lengthy vacation, Carrie dreads returning to the job she once loved. Especially when a blond-haired cherub insists on calling her Mommy. The tiny girl’s father is intriguing, and Carrie believes she’s ready for a real relationship. But memories of a horrific attack surface making her doubt and fear a happy future.
Although he’s human, Bryce’s family ties are to the Faerie Otherworld, so when one of his fathers is kidnapped, no one knows if the abduction was of human or fey origins.
Falling in love was easy. Telling Carrie about the Otherworld risks that love. But demons resurfacing from both their pasts and evil-doers intent of destroying the present are intent on tearing them from their newfound love. Will their love survive a world of deception, lies and revenge?